Tuesday, November 9, 2010

melt is the word of the day

today we gave our lawyer our applications for our visas, the money, and passports. we signed some papers and things that were legit so all you worrierers stop your worrying. our only worry is that she'll go to bratislava tomorrow and something will go wrong. i hope not. i hope it all works out.

i gave a massage today. it has been about 4 months since i gave my last one. it was for my friend monicka. i teach her 2 little kids english. she does something called healing touch so we traded services. it was so relaxing. i need a massage though. my body aches and my feet hurt from all the cobblestone!

anyway. i seriously am so homesick it's awful. my sister mani is in florida right now for thanksgiving and whenever i call to try and talk to anyone i almost break down crying. i get all teary eyed, and it's hard to talk. i feel crappy. ugh. i'm in europe... what's wrong with me? 

no more meltdowns. these emotions need to leave.

dessert time at cafe louvre tonite

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