Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the chimbley sweep

hello. it's snowing in prague. a lot. i love the snow... i slip 'n slide all around and am always very close to falling on my ass. it can be scary.

no news on the long term visas yet. i think we may call around december 10th. by then it'll be a month since we've applied. here's to hoping!

matt and i are going to brussels for christmas. we're staying with my lovely friend megan(who i met in baltimore) and her belgium boyfriend, jerome. his family lives there and we will be going over there for deer and oysters! crazy traditions. and megan wants to make "glug" with me since we're both swedish.

for new years we are going with srew to italy. we got $44 roundtrip tickets to milan. we plan to take some trips while there... i want venice to be on that list.

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