Monday, July 11, 2011


this is going to be an insanely busy week and we're not even the ones getting married. matt has 3 doubles in a row and then of course on thursday i work 9-4 and he works 4-8 and that nite we're separetely busy with the girls and the guys before the wedding. i'm just never going to get used to this schedule business. i don't enjoy it... i just want to spend time with my love. i know, i know... we did spend the whole day together yesterday. it was our first sunday off in 4 weeks together and we did nothing but errands errands errands. and got our door "fixed"... no more cockroaches crawling from under the door... andrew had to kill one lastnite on our porch. ugh.

some of matt's friends (and thankfully i can now say they're "my" friends, too) are here and will be trickling in during the week for catie and erick's wedding. it will be fun-filled for sure.

i also am super thrilled because my mom and i are going to baltimore in 2 1/2 weeks to visit family and friends. we're staying with my friends paola and alex and i can't wait. a little excited about going to trader joe's, seeing my grandpa, my friend anne and her kids, and my uncle.... the reason we're going up is for a memorial type gathering for my grandma who passed away earlier this year. it'll be nice to have a little quality time with my mom, too. looking forward.

also... i bought a brace for my wrist yesterday. it totally sucks, but i have to do whatever it takes to try and fix this if possible. i'm mostly keeping it on my right but switching it to my left a little as well. also, we went to ikea yesterday with matt's mom and stocked up on candles, frames, and some pots&plants. i'm glad. matt and i didn't have any tangible photos of ourselves so we picked out our favorites from the past year and a half and got them printed yesterday. now we're putting them in frames. :)

off to work... 3 massages... i'm sure i'll make a better update soon.. maybe with all positive things next time.

1 comment:

Cheryl Cochran said...

Yay, I'm so glad we finally get to hang out!