Wednesday, February 15, 2012

valentine's day

i woke up at 9 and got breakfast together while matt slept in 'til 10. i juiced some oranges, and made pancake batter. i put a heart cookie cutter on the griddle and filled them with batter and hoped for the best. well, they didn't turn out very well so i added a knife to the project. i set up breakfast outside on the deck and woke up matt. he was all cute and messy haired(as was i) and ready to eat.

after we cleaned up breakfast, we got dressed for a run. i'm glad matt pushed me to do it because it was a really beautiful morning and i felt great afterward. i actually had some energy for work. i headed to the spa after i showered and worked until 5. i got to go on call so i could go home and do some catch up. matt had sunflowers me all over the house and around 7 set out a yummy cheese course. we caught up on some dvr and watched 2 broke girls, new girl, and californication. then matt prepped for dinner and i finally got to see what food he went out and got for us. delishhhh. dinner was yummy.

i made matt heart pancakes <3 i tried. 

and fried eggs and fresh oj

ready for a run

on heart trail. how fitting

and matt planned out dinner. cheese and olive course :) 

mussels, clams, and shrimp in a spicy white wine marinara sauce

grilled zuchinni, squash, red peppers, and asparagus with garlic bread for the seafood feast.

third valentine's day together with matt cooking me dinner... so much better than going out. i love you matt <3

kisa was begging. 

and the many beautiful sunflowers matt got me... cause i don't like roses at all. 

1 comment:

Cheryl Cochran said...

I like that you guys have Uncle Matt's brand oranges.